Friday, August 24, 2007

Busy days

I'm back i haven't post for 2 days geez it's been a busy days. Too much projects, thesis, and exams. Right now I'm happy I finish our written thesis i wish my prof. will not reject my master piece uggrr i haven't sleep enough just to finish that. Right now i would concentrate on the 3 remaining circuit project hayzz i wish i have a kagebunshin technique hehehehe... need to budget my time, next week it's our midterm ohhh no how can i finish everything hayzzz school life was reality tiring especially if you are in graduating class. But the price after our exam is that we will having a 5 nights and 4 days in baguio city on sept. 4 hehehe it is a part of our seminars and field trip. I'll share to you my experience there. It will be my 2nd visit in baguio and my last visit was almost a decade thats why i soooo excited to on sept. 4 hehehe.

Have to go I have classes today.

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