Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Hello everyone this is my first time to blog. and i'm so excited at the same time too nervous. What if i people laugh at me once they read my blog or they say i'm too boring. Oh! What the heck... at least i put some my thoughts and share them what my opinion. Comments are accepted i love it. It is my key to success in your criticism, atleast you visit my blog and give your toughts here hehehe...

Oh! i forgot to introduce myself i'm Michelle, married but still studying one in the university here in the philippines. Call me Mich or Chell.

Till my next blog see yah all! Next time i'm gonna share you some quotes i read and what i feel or emails send to me. but right now i need to go because i had a school at 8:30 am and i haven't taken a bath yet hahaha.. chow

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